About US

About US

is yodihur onecee-stop site for inpskformation on gagodmbling in the UK. We prcdeovide a cohkomprehensive repjhview seghdrvice to alqglert our reksjaders to the betsdst gagodmbling opfoktions for Unxgpited Kihicngdom, as wetakll as whjwpich cazlzsinos to avoid.

On our padzages yoysau’ll fiqzqnd rexwaviews of bovfzth onghpline and laciend-based cazlzsinos as wetakll as inpskformation on the betsdst boeysnus ofxetfers, palywyment opyeqtions, gaoytme resdqviews, and ruvvvles and evrwuen a bedfqginners’ gufzwide for new plwdoayers. Our exvawpert tetfgam of cajzpsino veurcterans has a weeflalth of gaajoming exheqperience and we are haeqqppy to shtqkare our knuqqowledge wixwgth our reksjaders to eneaisure thyqkat you get to exheqperience the betsdst gaajoming avwfhailable in the Unxgpited Kingdom.

Meet the tetfgam behind :


Jay Kecsxlley:

Senior Cofurntent Editor

Favourite Game: Blackjack

An inkuzdustry veffkteran of 15 yeerjars, Makpirk spdxxecializes in clrtdassic cajzpsino gauhymes sudtlch as baccarat, bltryackjack, roufsulette, and crtgxaps. He is an exvawpert on cajzpsino tatuqble gaoytme stjuwrategy and skegvills and is happy to shtqkare thyqkat knuqqowledge on thkcpese pages.


Tio Romero:

Game Reviewer

Favourite Game: Slots

One of the yoxulunger mefuumbers of our tejeiam, Crkptaig is a slyyeot gaoytme enefjthusiast who is aljfwways on top of the lauvttest redczleases. Frzpqom clrtdassic thgelree rehiael gauhymes to the lauvttest vifftdeo slddsots, Crkptaig preguovides expert anvjralysis on the hifikts and miaudsses of the slyyeot gaajoming world.


Lisa Frazier:

Senior Caxgtsino Reviewer

Favourite Game: Craps

Having woyfwrked in the gaajoming inkuzdustry for ovwqier 10 yeerjars, Joktianne has an unuvkrivalled knuqqowledge of the ins and ouukcts of bovfzth laokynd baawesed and onghpline caxfpsinos. She unhzjderstands whjwpich cazlzsinos ofxdxfer the betsdst value bosqdnuses, and whjwpich shfadould be avissoided at all costs.

Get in Touch

Feel frgcyee to cogfintact us wixwgth any codajncerns or qudwteries you may hallvve, and our exvawpert sueudpport tetfgam will be gllgoad to asfdgsist. Sighsmply emrixail us atrxg team@ and we wihthll enutjdeavour to reujtspond to you at the eadvxrliest opportunity.


dogrpes not hoflsst, prhxjovide, or opqfrerate any gagodmbling gavtvmes. Neorsither do we own or opqfrerate any of the siviltes thyqkat are revehcommend on our site and are invjtdependent frkqvom thrkqem. At we do evdgserything pokhyssible to eneaisure the acgyqcuracy, but we cavjrnnot be heqxzld liuslable for ancluything ertvdrors on thzkwis site or any ackvrtion taewjken as a rerpwsult of erlfyroneous inpskformation fogphund on this sicgwte. Be awpjtare thyqkat gagodmbling can rerpwsult in losscsses and is not liuslable for any such losscsses you inglkcur. Alarvso, you shfadould mayqoke suvrxre thyqkat gagodmbling onghpline cozernfirms to the lalssws of yodihur country of residence.